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Smoothwall Express 3.1 SP6/Update12
Released - 3rd March 2025

Express 3.1 SP6 is the 6th stable release of the open source GPL network firewall. It corresponds to Update12.

Two architectures are available; one for Intel® i586 32-bot processors and one for AMD®/Intel® 64-bit processors.

In addition, four release types are available:
1. Standard - This is the normal release type for users.
2. Flash - The Standard release ready to be laid down on a USB flash drive for systems that do not have a CD/DVD drive.
3. Offroad - A cut down version for people who want to ensure their system's hardware is compatible with Smoothwall Express.
4. Developer - This is a release targeted at people who want to work on Smoothwall Express.

Please read the Release Announcement before downloading.

We welcome all feedback. Please view the forums for information on how you can report issues, post suggestions, etc.

The OffRoad ISOs are approcximately 32MB in size, all other ISO and ZIP files are approximately 220 MB in size.

All ISOs include an Installation guide.

Standard edition:
Smoothwall Express 3.1 SP6 (i586)
MD5 : 7195514f13b8aba891d621a61cd796bc
SHA1 : c7bae735066040f0dfdba34e938dd18d5db9ce3b
Smoothwall Express 3.1 SP6 (64bit)
MD5 : f5daf695b75fb0ba78099c1415c5badf
SHA1 : 677c75c7cebc6de315e4460725f8bf2d61c3aed7

Standard flash edition:
Smoothwall Express 3.1 SP6 (i586 Flash)
MD5 : af173ae62d6d17228f2d3fae49ffbfa4
SHA1 : 7aba3bbe8481f1a7acbe016496e0885b80952a63
Smoothwall Express 3.1 SP6 (64bit Flash)
MD5 : 747d7e3bc6ef25f2039679a14edeb5f2
SHA1 : 37d3342b2769ff65af24ba92e47bd6d0bf8fd56a

Developer edition:
Smoothwall Express 3.1 SP6 (i586 Dev.)
MD5 : 17776eab2683e5f46ca40add66b9dbe2
SHA1 : c5f2aa6b593f1e3dc0c964353f4ae98abbb5a140
Smoothwall Express 3.1 SP6 (64bit Dev.)
MD5 : 41c13455fbc77c3c2966bc719aa2b978
SHA1 : 3a14044f7f9818da3cf6af3678943dde39d7e497

Offroad edition:
Smoothwall Express 3.1 SP6 (i586 Offroad)
MD5 : f8072557e2f1c2337fa183124c3dc893
SHA1 : 93d8f30e1d9a29ce446d685af41ef8767282270e
Smoothwall Express 3.1 SP6 (64bit Offroad)
MD5 : 925c814511591682646daebac7f0ed1d
SHA1 : 80bfff8790c03031cb3b32a6e860628949f132dc

Smoothwall Express 3.1
Released - 21st October 2014

Express 3.1 is the current stable release of the open source GPL network firewall.

Like Express 3.0, two architectures are available; one for Intel® i586 and one for 64bit processors.

In addition, three release types are available:
1. Standard - This is the normal release type for users.
2. Developer - This is a release targeted at people who want to work on Smoothwall Express.
3. Offroad - A cut down version for people who want to ensure their system's hardware is compatible with Smoothwall Express.

Please read the Release Announcement before downloading.

We welcome all feedback. Please view the forums for information on how you can report issues, post suggestions, etc.

The OffRoad ISOs are approcximately 32MB in size, all other ISO files are approcximately 220 MB in size.

All ISOs include an Installation guide, whist the Admin guides for 3.1 are currently in progress and will be released soon.

Standard edition:

Smoothwall Express 3.1 (i586)

MD5 : d8546bd1430480361eaf0261d7e70283

SHA1 : 21d6bb760c5783ce07fef6914cd6bea04ca35764

Smoothwall Express 3.1 (64bit)

MD5 : cfaf7f11901a164cd00c07518c7311ba

SHA1 : 8c172724f1b977692929a1ab8d95aeef04604a6b

Developer edition:

Smoothwall Express 3.1 (i586)

MD5 : 4de69bab8a41edf8800ec0398a5c96fd

SHA1 : 8927310b46a2a4727d326b6b4956d5b5f7271c50

Smoothwall Express 3.1 (64bit)

MD5 : e38647e4f5a3329f5e6ab084bfbee458

SHA1 : b72cbc28503d4b209ed15d9d071a91df7b344d85

Offroad edition:

Smoothwall Express 3.1 (i586)

MD5 : f8072557e2f1c2337fa183124c3dc893

SHA1 : 93d8f30e1d9a29ce446d685af41ef8767282270e

Smoothwall Express 3.1 (64bit)

MD5 : 925c814511591682646daebac7f0ed1d

SHA1 : 80bfff8790c03031cb3b32a6e860628949f132dc

Smoothwall Express 3.0 Install Guide
Released 22nd August 2007

The Smoothwall Express 3.0 installation guide covers everything you need to know to get you going and connected to the internet as well as how to access the administration web interface. The administrator guide covers everything else and can be downloaded from my.smoothwall.

1MB | PDF | Smoothwall Express 3.0 Installation Guide»

4MB | PDF | Smoothwall Express 3.0 Administrator Guide»

Smoothwall Express 3.0 SP3 (Developer Edition)
Released 1st June 2011

Smoothwall Express 3.0 Developer Edition contains all the files and systems required to generate your own “build” environment to help with creating your own user-created add-ons.

Smoothwall Express 3.0 Developer Edition (i386)
MD5 : 82d1a6f83dbf7ddffbc3f40483469651
SHA1 : 3fcf6780ffa4381b7171a1332b4fc43dc004bcf5

Smoothwall Express 3.0 Developer Edition (64Bit)
MD5 : 8bb3d18dda64a360f8b3a4bc13f4ea6d
SHA1 : 6060ac79773be820f0828d90e60ff183361b1ff9

173.7MB | ISO CD Image | Smoothwall Express 3.0 SP3 (i386)»

179.8MB | ISO CD Image | Smoothwall Express 3.0 SP3 (64-bit)»

For older releases of Smoothwall GPL (including versions 2.0, 1.0, 0.99) – click here»